Everybody is in search for the magical trick that will get them six pack abs without changing their life style. Pills, wonder machines, even shock machines. So what is the secret to firm, flat abs? The secret is that there is no secret. Going about getting that six pack is simple and fairly straight forward. Seeing it to the end is another thing. This article is meant to be a primer, a preliminary education on how to flatten your abdominals. So, what are some of the basic things that you should know?
First off, realize that just doing ab exercises won't get you a six pack. Your abdominal muscles are underneath your layer of belly fat. So work them all you won't, but you won't see definition unless you burn fat, too. So make sure to do 30 - 45 minutes worth of cardio 3 - 5 times a week, as this is what burns fat.
Second, know which ab exercises are the most effective. Crunches and sit-ups are among the least effective, and yet they are the most popular. Try instead the bicycle, leg raises, and hanging leg raises (search Google on how to properly perform these exercises). Also realize that miracle ab machines hardly ever work - all you need is a little floor space and some dedication.
Thirdly, eating right is as much as a helper to achieving six pack abs as the actual exercise itself. You should eat foods high in fiber, and balance your diet with around 50% carbs and then the rest protein and fat (there are good fats and bad fats). Also, instead of eating the traditional 3 big meals a day, start eating 5 smaller meals a day. Make your portions smaller and only have one serving, but eat 5 times instead of 3 - this is better for your body since it needs fuel every 2 - 3 hours, but not the amount at which most people usual stuff themselves with at dinner time. This also means that your metabolism is constantly working, burning more calories.
Lastly, know that getting that six pack will require dedication, sacrifice, and time. Nothing will happen over night or even within the first month. You have to keep working and be willing to change your life style a little - for example, a couple of things that you should sacrifice immediately is soda, coffee, and fast food.
Start off by following these four tips and build yourself a solid foundation on which to achieve your goals. You can get flat abs, but half the battle is knowing the proper way to go about it.
Would you like to know how to get rid of your belly fat once and for all and get six-pack abs with minimal effort? Visit [http://www.lifefitnessblog.com] to learn how I got firm, flat abs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Duncan_Idaho
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