Would you like to know how to build muscle in your sleep? Wouldn't it be a great feeling going to sleep and knowing that although your body is resting, it's still building muscle mass? Keep reading to find out how you can build muscle while you sleep, and what happens when you don't get a decent night's rest.
1. You won't be as sharp mentally if you miss sleep.
If you don't get a good night's sleep you'll feel it mentally the next day. You may feel constantly tired, groggy and just not "with it". And when you feel like that, you won't want to do anything that you need to put a bit of effort into. Your eyes may feel tired and red raw and all you want to do is close your eyes and sleep for a few minutes. Even if you're able to catch a cat nap during the day, it won't be enough to catch up on all the sleep you missed the night before. And a short cat nap won't help you build muscle at rest.
So if you're on your way to a workout at the gym, arriving there sleep deprived is the last thing you want to do. And since gaining muscle means putting in a good, focused effort every time you lift weights, you need to stay mentally sharp to achieve it.
2. Your workouts will suffer if you're sleep deprived.
Building muscle depends on regular workouts, week after week. You need to be at your best physically and mentally in order to work out successfully and build that muscle mass in small, steady increases each week.
3. You're muscles grow while you rest, not in the gym.
Although it might not seem like it, your muscles don't actually grow in the gym! Instead, you build muscle while at rest or eating a healthy, weight gain diet. Your body needs time every night to rest and recover for the day ahead and when it's doing that, you're also building muscle during sleep.
4. Your muscle building hormones will be put in jeopardy if you miss out on sleep.
In order to build muscle at rest, your body needs three important hormones: cortisone, growth hormone and testosterone. If you don't get a good night's sleep every night, your lack of sleep will have a detrimental effect on those hormones.
Sleep deprivation means lower levels of testosterone, which means your muscle building efforts won't be so effective. Decreased growth hormone equals less fat loss. And a higher level of cortisone means more fat will be stored and muscle will be encouraged to break down.
So how do you build muscle while you rest? By getting a solid eight hours of sleep every night. If you feel you need more than that, then go for it! And if you have a late night one night, try to make up for it the next night by sleeping more than your usual eight hours. This is a great way of catching up with your sleep debt and helping your body to build muscle at rest.
If you have problems falling asleep, here are some helpful tips:
1. Try a glass of warm milk
2. Don't play computer games just before going to bed.
3. Don't do physical workouts just before bedtime.
4. Read a book (not too exciting) for 15-30 minute before turning out the light.
5. Start winding down a half hour to an hour before bedtime.
Attention Skinny Guys: Discover how to gain weight and build muscle fast... For more information about resting for muscle gains you can visit http://www.WeightGainNetwork.com. Here you will fond a ton of expert advice on how to bulk up and gain weight. Especially if you are a skinny guy.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeff_Masterson
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