Everybody at the gym just calls him "Big Guy". He is the biggest, baddest dude in the gym. He seems to execute all his exercises with precision. Never appears to be at a loss as to what he is about to do next. Walking around from exercise to exercise, notebook in hand. He is there to take care of business. He is has done exactly what the others in the gym are trying to do. Pack on mounds of massive muscle. I sat down with the "Big Guy" once again to pick up where we left off in an earlier interview. This time, I wanted to talk to him much more in detail about diet.
DPM: Thanks again for sitting down with me. I am thinking that my readers would really appreciate some detailed input on how a guy with as much muscle as you goes about the typical daily diet.
BG: Sure. I am happy to talk about this with you so you can get the information out to bodybuilding trainees who need guidance. And that is about 99.99% of the people out there trying to do bodybuilding. They really think they know what they are doing, but they are really so far off base it is not even funny.
DPM: Really? How so?
BG: Well, here let me lay it out super basic for you. It's all about protein, for starters. And a lot of it. We are talking 40 - 80 grams of protein per meal or snack. And that is 5 - 6 times per day, sometimes even more. Of course I am talking about high quality protein from mostly lean red meats, poultry, fish, cottage cheese, yoghurt, eggs, and whey protein powder. Often, you will drink 25 grams of whey protein right along side your meal or snack.
DPM: Yes, that definitely sounds like a lot of protein, but what about carbohydrates and fat?
BG: Once again, the main focus is always protein. Eat the protein first and foremost every time you have a meal or snack. Now, after that, most meals should be structured to have a secondary focus. That is where carbohydrates, fats, and non-starchy vegetables come in to play. It is not such a good idea to eat meals that are high in protein, carbs, and fat. That will have you gaining weight too quickly, and becoming too fat too fast in the process. Even when guys are trying to 'bulk up', they still should not be sitting down to 'free for all' meals.
DPM: So, if I understand you correctly, one should eat protein, then it is either a carbohydrate food(s), fats, or non-starchy veggies that finish up that meal?
BG: Yes. Now, its OK to eat non-starchy veggies along with carbs and fats. Non-starchy veggies are really a 'freebie' anytime. Point is not to have a carb and fat heavy meal. Here is an example. Lets say for lunch you eat 8 ounces (or more) of chicken breast. Along with that you have a large bowl of spinach, and a sliced up avocado. That is your protein and fat for that meal. Here is another example. Let's say you have a large, fattier cut of steak for dinner, then you would be best off to have something like broccoli, green beans, yellow squash, cauliflower, spinach, and other non-starchy vegetables with it. Thats the meal. Maybe you have a can of tuna and a cup of cottage cheese as a mid morning snack, that would be a good time to have a couple slices of whole grain bread or some other starchy carbs. Get it? Generally speaking, you are better off to eat carbohydrates earlier in the day and phase them out for non-starchy veggies as the day moves on.
DPM: So basically eat a lot of protein, and try to make meals with carbohydrates also low in fat, and meals high in fat should be low in carbohydrates?
BG: Exactly. There is one exception though. Breakfast. Breakfast should be a large meal with a little bit of everything. Consider my typical breakfast. Whole eggs, cottage cheese, whole grain bread with peanut butter, and whey protein. You should always start the day off 'big'.
DPM: OK. Well thanks again Big Guy. Glad to hear there is a way to 'bulk up' without adding too much extra fat. Look forward to hearing more next time.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_P_Morrow
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